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Resources & Supports for Businesses, Workers, & Citizens

Recognizing that there is strength in unity, BREOC is collaboratively tapping into their individual strengths and competitive advantages to enhance the Regional opportunities. 

If you're a business in the Battle River Region, an employer, an employee, or an individual looking to upgrade your skill set - BREOC has a developed a variety of programs, services, workshops, and other supports to meet your needs.  


While ensuring we work closely with all our Regional partners to enhance programming or offer new, on-the-ground services; there is something for everyone and every community.

With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential.


Business Supports

BREOC has a variety of business supports in place to help your business thrive!


Worker & Employment Supports

Looking for employment supports?  BREOC has a solution for you!



BREOC recognizes the importance of partnerships.  Check out some of those we are currently collaborating wtih!

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