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Phase 1: Impacts Study

This assignment was commissioned by the Economic Opportunity Task Force (now known as BREOC), encompassing representatives from the Counties of Paintearth and Flagstaff and the municipalities of Coronation, Castor, Halkirk and Forestburg, Alberta.


The timing of this effort is tied to the announcement by the Government of Alberta of its Climate Change Strategy, specifically the Province’s focus on eliminating coal fired electrical generation. The primary research guiding this effort was premised heavily on extensive engagement broadly encompassing local citizens, enterprises and municipal leaders and officials.


Much of this engagement took place over the Summer of 2017. The secondary research supporting the approach utilized herein and the subsequent analyses is founded on a wealth of internationally recognized research and treatises addressing the multiple aspects of enterprise closures and successful transition experiences supplemented by local and regional contextual information.

Project Purpose


Impact Assessment – an articulation of the multiple diverse impacts to the Region arising or expected to arise as a consequence of the proposed (potential) closures of the Westmoreland Mine and the ATCO Battle River Generating Station.


Opportunity Seeking – an objective assessment of the Region’s comparative and competitive assets that can be used as a foundation for the economic diversification/revitalization of the Region’s economy.


Transition Planning – a description of those high-level tactics and activities the Region can utilize to successfully move through the impacts of closure and realistically realize opportunities.


Battle River Economic Opportunities Committee




BREOC wishes to recognize support from:

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