Key Partners
We at BREOC believe that through cooperation and community empowerment, we can facilitate progress in our Region.
BREOC understands that success lies in the Region’s ability to collaborate with other stakeholders. The foundation of BREOC builds on collaboration as a founding principle. As such, BREOC continues to collaborate and work with an informal and formal network of supportive organizations that are able to assist regional businesses, entrepreneurs, and citizens alike with their various needs
We are particularly grateful for the support from the Government of Canada and other levels of government.
In addition to the federal level of government support, BREOC also seeks to collaborate and work with a variety of other local service providers to the benefit of the Region.
These efforts are important in order to ensure there is no duplication of programming or services, but to also work to enhance those programs and services to directly support those throughout the Battle River Region.
We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits.