Phase 4: Private Sector Development
The Battle River Economic Opportunities Committee Private Sector Development (PSD) efforts builds on the recognition that the health and vitality of the private sector is key to sustainable economic prosperity and social well-being within the Battle River Region.
We understand that BREOC, amongst a multiple of partners and stakeholders not the least of which includes representatives of the private sector, has a definitive role to play in facilitating and fostering a climate conducive to enhancing private sector health and vitality.
This doesn’t happen by accident, but rather by conscious design and committed, focussed effort. Hence why BREOC has initiated programming for 3.5 - years which focusses on 4 Priorities with 25 specific projects in order to support PSD in the Battle River Region.
Priority 1: Capacity Building
Priority 2: Business Retention & Expansion
Priority 3: Investment Attraction
Priority 4: Entrepreneurial Development